Case Study –1 (Fire caused major damages to property and Human)
Chemical Process Plant
Controlling – Monitoring Points
- Pressure Gauge – Steam pressure monitoring – inside jacket
- Temperature Controller – Temperature monitoring inside the vessel
- Pressure Gauge – Vessel inside pressure monitoring
- Non calibrated
- In operation since 5 years
Indication inside the vessel reaction and temperature, were showing as within the process control limit.
Results - Vessel Blast
Damages to
- Major damages to plant, collapsed structure huge loss in terms of money.
- 2 operators working near by affected seriously and got permanent disability.
- If instruments were calibrated periodically,
- Knowledge of calibration amongst employees
CNC Machine for preparation of mould
Controlling – Monitoring Points
Status of Instruments Calibration
- PLC, IOP not validated / calibrated with respected to actual travel / traverse / feed / axial / radial play.
- In operation since 10 years
Indication on IOP guided by PLC was showing dimensional movement of machine as per programme.
Results - Loss of quality in dies. Die rejected due to crossing of holes with each other.
Damages to
- End product quality
- Product rejection rate high
- Loss of image in the eyes of customer
- By periodic calibration of traverse / feed / play
- Knowledge and requirements of calibration amongst employee, even through highly accurate machines
Case Study –3 (Higher Consumption in Energy)
Material Transfer Pump With Motor
Controlling – Monitoring Points
Ampere Meter – Showing load taken by motor during pumping
Status of Instruments
- Non calibrated
- In service since 4 years
Reason - Indication in Ampere were showing safe current limit.
Results - Higher electricity bills. I.e. 125% of total required consumption of motor.
Damages to
- Company’s financial stability, increase in manufacturing cost of product.
- Could be controlled
- If Ampere meter was calibrated periodically
- Knowledge of calibration amongst employees
Case Study –4 (Less Productivity)
Length of Material measure by Mtr/Min Meter
In textile process unit length of material measured by Mtr./Min Meter.
Controlling – Monitoring Points
Mtr./Min Meter – Showing length of material
Status of Instruments
- Non calibrated
- In service since 3 years
Reason - Mtr/Min Meter was showing wrong reading.
Results - Less productivity. i.e. 10% more material consumption.
Damages to
Company’s financial stability, increase in manufacturing cost of product.
Could be controlled
- If Mtr/Min Meter was calibrated periodically
- Knowledge of calibration amongst employees
- 10% less productivity due to Mtr/Min Meter was showing 10% less reading
- The electronic equipment in the actual humid / chemical work environment may show error over a period of life span (after 2 to 3 years). It is therefore advisable to check and calibrated once in a year.
- Actually calibrated equipment with more precise masters will save your lacs of rupees due to safety, save energy consumption, increase product quality
- Also prefer to carry out actual calibration of instrument from reputed calibration laboratory rather then taking report of calibration.
Calibration for pressure gauges